• medicinefreelifebydrgiri@gmail.com
  • +91-8484 0510 25

How medicine works

When we eat anything, the food first goes to the stomach, then to the intestine where it gets absorbed in the blood and then this blood goes to the liver. Now, the liver which is also called as the second brain of the body decides what contents to take in and what contents to throw out or destroy. The liver never intakes any unnatural or foreign contents. When we take any medicine which is an unnatural content for the liver it destroys it.

Now you will say that medicines do work on our body, so how is that possible?

The answer to that is, our liver can only destroy a certain capacity of medicine, so the doctors give us double the amount of medicine needed. When the medicine reaches the liver half of it gets destroyed and half of it is passed forward. This method is known as half life dose. But after some time the liver increases it's capacity to destroy medicine which in turn results in increase of our medicine doses.

When medicines flow through our blood they harm and destroy the endothelial cell layer or the inner wall of our blood vessels. These endothelial cells secret nitric acid which is very important for repairing of our body when there are any damages. When we take medications for a long time, destruction of this layer happens which harms the body as well as results in various diseases like blood pressure, kidney failure, heart diseases etc.

Medicine do not help you to be healthy. There is only one alternative to healthy lifestyle that is medicine free lifestyle.

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